
Accidents often occur at night due to a lack of light. With the low-light conditions, a lot of drivers who use high beam headlight forgot to switch to low beam headlight. That action can cause temporary blindness to the driver in front of him because of the glare. Automatic Headlight can change the mode of lights and reflector lights when passing move uphill or downhill roads using the accelerometer sensor MPU6050. The automatic headlight can also change the mode of light based on the light in front of him using the BH1750 lux meter sensor so that the path illuminated by the headlight to be quite and do not endanger other drivers. Laboratory testing has a success rate of 97%, with 260 trials in 13 conditions. And on real testing, the automatic headlight can switch modes automatically when going uphill and downhill. The headlight can change modes automatically when passing through roads with adequate lighting or when passing other vehicles.

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