
Wildlife-vehicle accidents result in substantial personal, environmental and economic losses, including human injuries, fatalities, loss of wildlife, and vehicle damage. When driving on the highway wild and domestic animals pause dangers to road users. In most cases when the drivers notice an animal on their path, it will be too late to stop the vehicle in time to avoid an accident. This has prompted research into possible ways of developing an animal detection system that gives warning to the drivers and thus enabling them to take precautionary measures. This research is therefore aimed at developing an animal detection system that warns drivers of a possible collision with an animal. Research was carried out using various methods including looking at Literature on ultrasound hooting frequency, and other available warning systems. Questionnaires were also used to gather information from drivers on their experiences and needs to develop the safety measures. Experiments were carried out using Arduino UNO R3 to illustrate the image visibility on an infrared camera and the effect of infrared illumination on the camera system. Calculations were done to achieve the desired number of Infrared LEDs to be used on the camera. An ultrasound circuit and entire system circuitry was developed and simulated using proteus 8 professional to achieve the preferred response mechanism for the system. The system therefore can capture an image of the animal and retrieve its similarity from the animal system database. The results provide a developed animal detection and warning system that can be used by motorist any time of the day while driving.

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