
This study proposes what we believe to be a novel high-spectral-resolution three-frequency Rayleigh lidar for simultaneously measuring middle atmosphere temperature and wind. The temperature and wind could be retrieved without assuming an external reference temperature, as typical for a traditional Rayleigh Doppler lidar. Adopting a similar idea used in sodium temperature/wind lidar, this system alternatively emits laser pulses at three frequencies. It receives the corresponding Rayleigh backscattered signals filtered by an iodine cell as a frequency discriminator. The three frequencies are optimized based on the spectral characteristics resulting from the convolution of the pulse laser lineshape convolved Rayleigh scattering signal with iodine molecular absorption spectrum. A two-dimensional calibration curve for temperature and wind ratio is then generated from the theoretical calculation of the final convoluted spectra and used to retrieve temperature and wind simultaneously. Simulated with the return signals collected by a current broadband Rayleigh lidar (30-inch telescope and 15 W output laser power), the temperature and wind uncertainties with resolutions of 1 km and 1 hr are estimated to be 0.4 K and 0.35 m/s, respectively, at 30 km and increase to 16.3 K and 8.1 m/s at 70 km.

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