
The present research work focuses on the design of a mobile application to geolocate and provide medical information to university students in emergency situations. The growing interest in the use of mobile technologies is recognized, highlighting the need for innovative solutions to improve the safety and well-being of students on campus. The methodology used was based on a literature review and analysis of previous studies that highlight the importance of technology in promoting the health and safety of university students. Research highlighting the use of mobile applications and information and communication technologies to address challenges related to health and physical activity among college students was discussed. In addition, the need to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided through the mobile application was highlighted. The conclusion highlights the potential of the proposed application to improve the safety and health of college students while promoting a safer, more connected university environment. The importance of actively promoting the use of the app among the student community is emphasized and the need for collaboration between different actors to ensure the success of the project is underlined. In summary, this project has the potential to positively impact students' lives and contribute to the advancement of research in the field of digital health and campus safety.

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