
Currently, the Rare Isotope Science Project of the Institute for Basic Science has been constructing a heavy ion accelerator facility, named RAON. For rare isotope science research in Korea, the RAON includes two different types of facilities; one is the isotope separation on-line, and another is the in-flight system. In the in-flight system, several types of magnets are located: dipole, quadrupole, hexapole, and octupole magnets. Among them, a superconducting quadrupole triplet magnet (SQTM) system has been developed since 2018 and to date, all SQTM systems were manufactured and are being tested. In this paper, the design, manufacture, and commissioning test results of the SQTM systems for the RAON are presented. This magnet consists of five magnets of three different kinds: three quadrupole magnets, a hexapole magnet, and an octupole magnet. All magnets were made by low-temperature superconducting NbTi wires. For manufacturing the hexapole and octupole magnets with a multi-layer structure in a narrow space, the low-temperature superconducting wire was wound by the direct winding method.

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