
Digital government research often centers on information technology artifacts designed for the purpose of improving access to or processes within government. Because of the centricity of the technology artifact, much of this research builds upon theories and prescriptions adapted from the information systems discipline. In information systems, the study of artifact design has benefitted from the adoption of the rigor and generalizeability enabled by design science research. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of design science principles guiding the construction of technological artifacts, which we use to examine recent digital government research articles that fall into the design science camp. We assess these articles using Hevner et al.'s (2004) guidelines for conducting and presenting design science research, identify common strengths, and recommend how digital government researchers may benefit from applying a grounded view of design to expand the generalizeability of their work. Finally, we conclude the paper with a discussion of ways to open up the narrow focus of design science to a broader understanding of the impact of external factors, such as the environment and organizational milieu, on the complex setting most digital government innovation inhabits.

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