
In an increasing number of aggressive enterprise world, “time to market” concerning products has come to be a solution element because of enterprise success. There are exceptional techniques so expect layout mistakes or open products concerning the need between much less time. Among the most used methodologies in the design and setting about stability the requirements, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) execute remain used. In the prototyping phase, such is feasible in imitation of tackle the rising science regarding additive manufacturing. Today, three-dimensional stamping is in the meanwhile used as a rapid prototyping technique. However, the actual challenge that enterprise is going through is the use of these machineries for large-scale production about parts, at last viable along current HP Multi fusion. The aim of this article is to study the interactive design and engineering applied to the entire product development process taking advantage of the most modern models and technologies for the final realization of a case study that involves the design and prototyping of an innovative multifunctional fan (Lamp, Aroma Diffuser and fan) through the Multi Jet Fusion of HP. To begin with, issues related to the DFSS, the QFD and their application to identify the fan requirements are explored. Once the requirements have been defined, the modern CAD design systems and the CAE systems for the validation of the case study will be analyzed and applied. Finally, HP’s Multi Jet Fusion methodology and design rules for additive manufacturing will be analyzed in detail, trying to exploit all the positive aspects it offers.

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