
Wireless Sensor Networks have been organized for various aspects like, data collection, security, tracking, military applications etc. But one of the major challenges in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) that is yet to be sorted out is the lack of energy efficiency which retards the lifetime of the network. Clustering or Hierarchical routing is good solution for reducing much of energy consumption in WSN. LEACH (Low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy) is best energy efficient hierarchical protocol for WSN and there are many protocols introduced based on LEACH but still have issue of energy efficiency. Lots of research is going on CH (cluster head) election algorithm, data aggregation, reducing number of transmissions and different power levels. MODLEACH (Modified LEACH) uses dual transmission power levels which reduces energy consumption of nodes; also it uses different cluster head election algorithm in which node have residual energy greater than threshold it remain as CH for next round. E (Enhanced)-MODLEACH also appoint the CH same as hybrid energy efficient distributed (HEED) Protocol but in which last node become dead earlier. In this paper, We advances MODLEACH by different mathematical equation such that it elects node as cluster head based on residual energy of nodes and it puts limit on number of CH. Also we A (advances) — MODLEACH by including energy hole removing mechanism such that if node has remaining energy less than Eth, it puts a node into sleep mode. If number of sleep nodes more than 11 then we are invoking the sleep nodes one by one into active mode. So our approach increases stability period and packets to base station (BS) or sink. We uses MATLAB as simulation software.

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