
The Accelerator Production of Tritium (APT) Target/Blanket (T/B) system is comprised of the T/B assembly and the attendant heat-removal systems. The T/B assembly produces tritium using a high-energy proton beam and a spallation neutron source. All systems reside within the T/B building, located at the end of a linear accelerator. During nominal operation, protons are accelerated to an energy of 1030MeV at a current of 100mA. The protons interact with tungsten and lead nuclei in the T/B assembly to produce neutrons through the process of nuclear spallation. Neutron capture in 3He gas produces tritium, which is removed on a semicontinuous basis. The T/B assembly is modular, to allow for replacement of spent components and minimization of waste. Inconel and Aluminum structural materials provide containment of spallation products, a coolant pressure boundary, and corrosion resistance. The operating environment is a combination of high-energy protons and neutrons. All structures operate at low temperature and are cooled with water. Structures directly in the proton beam, which endure the highest irradiation damage, are replaced annually. Materials in the blanket region are primarily in a low-neutron flux environment and potentially will last the life of the facility. Published by Elsevier Science Inc.

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