
MONJU is a prototype fast breeder reactor (FBR) in Japan. The sodium–water reaction in the steam generator (SG) is one of the important safety assessment items for a sodium cooled reactor like MONJU. MONJU is equipped with hydrogen gas detectors for the small water leak detection, gas pressure gauges for the medium leak and sensors of rupture discs for the large leak. As a design basis accident, one tube failure then failure propagation of neighboring three tubes is assessed to verify the structural integrity of the secondary components. A latest evaluation method on the design margin against the overheating tube rupture showed that the present SG system had not an enough margin in the worst case. For improving the margin, it needs to shorten the time of the sodium–water reaction by earlier water leak detection in the SG and sooner water ejection from the SG tubes. Therefore, MONJU is now carrying out the following modification works: (1) addition of steam relief valves, (2) addition of a gas pressure gauge with changing the interlock logic and lowering the trigger level, (3) reducing the opening of the valves on the SG gas flow line to the dump tank because of earlier detection for the pressure rise. After this modification, the design margin of the SG system will be sufficiently improved.

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