
With the rapid development of information technology and network technology, all kinds of data increase exponentially, and the traditional relational databases cannot handle these data well, which is also reflected in the sharp increase in the number of college students. The amount of students' information is increasing exponentially and the simple management method in the past can no longer meet the needs of the new situation. This paper adopts B/S mode and three-tier architecture and relies on network technology and ASP.NET technology to design and implement the student information management system. The system is divided into eight functional modules: comprehensive information inquiry for students, scholarship evaluation, evaluation and award, economic recognition, student loan management, student violation, communication and feedback, and system management. Different operation interfaces are designed according to four users with different permissions: students, class tutors, college administrators, and student affairs offices. This paper describes the system analysis, design, and implementation in detail. The practice results show that the initial use of the student information database management reflects well and achieves the expected goal. The system is easy to maintain and extensible and has good application value. The operation of the system has greatly improved the management efficiency of student affairs and enabled the student affairs administrators to complete various student affairs more efficiently. Campus information construction is becoming an important part of the overall construction of colleges and universities, and it is also a basic and continuous work. Accelerating the establishment of a set of comprehensive, perfect, and efficient student comprehensive management information systems is an urgent need to promote the modernization of college student management. The modernization, informatization, and standardization of college student management are a complex systematic project. Only by relying on modern information technology can we cope with the base pressure brought by the continuous enrollment expansion of college students, promote the flat and intensive utilization of college management information, and improve the efficiency and quality of service.

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