
An Android client of the mobile-type teagarden environment monitoring system is designed and implemented. Based on the android platform, the software programming in an Android device for monitoring the teagarden is implemented using Java language and Eclipse kit. Experiments indicate that the geographical position, data and working status of the sensors can be displayed in the mobile devices in real time. The developing approach of this new system was general-purposed. The test and application results of this system showed that this system was benefit for the agricultural production in practice with excellent features as portable, friendly interface and unlimited with networks. Introduction The frost damage caused by the late spring cold is very harmful to crops such as tea leaves, fruit trees and mulberry trees. It is the key factor restricting the stable development of crop yields. Domestic and foreign advanced teagarden actively introduce airflow disturbance, sprinkler [1] [2] [3] [4] to protect the crops from frost. Because the late spring cold always goes with the radiation inversion [5] [6], in the airflow perturbation method the warm air above is blown to the tea tree canopy using the fans. This method is widely recognized as an economical and effective way [7] where the most critical aspect is real time environmental monitoring in teagardens. In recent years, with the development of smartphones in the world, it has an important role for designing one monitoring system for ordinary farmers which is more simple, friendly and portable to play realistic significance for timely and effective promotion of modern agricultural technology. The latest statistics show that the market share of Android phones is 84.6% and Android tablet is 65.8% [8]. Android operating system which is open-source and free not only provides a more flexible and independent design space for software designer, but also provides a better development platform for research and development of more humane monitoring system. A mobile-type real time environmental monitoring system based on the Android platform has been designed and implemented in this paper. This system can display the position and temperature & humidity and sensors in the map of mobile devices in real time and can execute historical data query, data downloading and data analysis. The overall design of the system The mobile-type real time environmental monitoring system is composed of sensors, wireless transfer network, a server of data collection & storage and mobile devices. Figure 1 show the overall system structure. The core function of the system is to realize wireless transmission of the data and to display in the map in the Android devices. The main functional requirement will be showed as follows. (1) The Server where the data collection program and web service running listens for requests. (2) The client sends a query to the server with a username and password. If this user passes the authentication, the server sends the data of temperature & humidity back. (3) According to the request, the server needs to make the corresponding response. Users can specify a time period and data display style when sending out the instruction to the server. International Industrial Informatics and Computer Engineering Conference (IIICEC 2015) © 2015. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 707 Fig.1. The overall structure of the system (4) After parsing the request from the client, the server transfers the data back in JSON format. (5) In order to ensure that the monitoring data is legitimate access, user authentication must be made in the server for each request from all clients. Server-side Software Development We accept the data from the center node of wireless sensor network using a computer connected to the node which is provided as a server for web service and data query & analysis. A data receiving program running in the server is used to collect temperature & humidity data and stored in the database. The data collection process will be shown in Figure 2. Fig.2. Data collection process Network service program in the server has been developed with Java using DAO design pattern. DAO is a standard mode module for J2EE which can be used to build a powerful database access layer because this pattern can make developers involved in business logic layer by encapsulating the data access. We design JSP/Servlet + EJB web applications based on MVC design mode through which users can access the data in the server anywhere on a variety of platforms. The system also realized the historical queries, data analysis and users can look up the temperature & humidity trend map. The Client Designing and Implementation This paper constructs universal application systems development environment which is composed of JDK, Eclipse, Android SDK and ADT. JDK which is the core of Java includes Java runtime environment, toolkit and foundation classes. Eclipse platform is an integrated development Start

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