
SESAME is a synchrotron light source located in Allan, Jordan. It is currently under construction. It consists of a 22MeV Microtron, an 800MeV Booster Synchrotron, and a 2.5 GeV Storage Ring. The Microtron functions as a pre-injector. SESAME succeeded in commissioning the Microtron in October 2012. The Booster is expected to be commissioned early 2014, the Storage Ring by the end of 2015, and the first beam line in 2016. This paper presents progress made in design and development of the Booster ring’s control systems. EPICS is used to build the control systems at SESAME. CSS is used to build the control system’s graphical user interfaces. PLCs and one VME are used for custom control of analog and digital signals. A distributed version control system is used to track development of the control systems. Documentation at SESAME consists of a set of design notes, standards, and templates. An isolated machine network is used for communication. Future work includes design and development of PLC and VME alternatives.

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