
Nowadays in Indonesia, 3D Radar has been developed to perform a vertical scanning that has multi-functional benefits in telecommunication industry and defence. As a common practice, 3D radar system is frequently used to measure the distance of an object like the aircraft. Therefore, the most important element in radar systems is the phase shifter that has a main role in steering the beam and replacing the rotator function. This final research will focus on the operation of simple Phase Shifter with concerning a 2,9 GHz – 3,1 GHz radar frequency. Phase shifter designed at 3 GHz as the centre frequency within a value return loss ≤ -15 dB, insertion ≥ -4 dB, coupling ≥ -4 dB, isolation ≤ -15 dB, phase difference 45°, 90°, 135°, phase error ≤ 15°, and realized by converting into Microstrip Quadrature Hybrid Coupler 90°. These particular phase shifter uses the type of substrate Rogers R04035B with dielectric constant values (εr) at 3,48, and the thickness of the substrate ( h ) of 1,524 mm. Simulations are performed using Computer System Technology ( CST ) software suite 2015 and assigned the average results each port to return loss value -37,290519 dB, insertion -3,154242 dB, coupling -3,164594 dB, isolation -32,714140 dB, with phase difference 45,00816°, 89,09566°, 90,76276°, 134,85057° and phase error 0,00816°, 0,90434°, 0,76276°, 0,14943°, It is then subsequently realized and measured by Netwotk Analyzer and return loss -30,078370 dB, insertion -3,229792 dB, coupling -3,146129 dB, isolation -42,651590 dB, phase difference 45,15190°, 86,38080°, 93,38538°, 134,36260° and phase error 0,15190°, 3,61920°, 3,38538°, 0,63740°.

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