
Blockchain technology is one of the hottest internet techniques by far, and the NFT is a novel digital collection based on blockchain technology. In 2017, two interesting applications emerged on Ethereum, CryptonPunks, and CryptonKitties, As CryptonKitties is an example, each kitty has a unique DNA number, taking on a different appearance and temperament. These two applications have revolutionary significance for the non-fungible token proposal and practical scenario application. In this experiment, We used the Ethereum platform in the Solidity language to implement a set of digital currency systems based on NFT. It’s named CoinCoin.Smart contracts are the way we implement all the functions. Through the smart contract, it can realize its minting, trading, and other functions. The implementation of functions will be simulated on the Remix platform. Mastering NFT’s smart contract could be able to provide a new ecosystem for the encryption industry and have a profound impact on the digital asset across multiple industries, such as games, art, and digital assets. Our system can provide a reference for the implementation of the NFT smart contract and bring experiences for the further deeper research.

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