
Nowadays, with various technological developments, the energy consumption to production ratio is becoming a severe challenge. Though scientists have already made great strides in this area, using both renewable and nonrenewable sources, the latter has a limitation, of not being enough to fulfill the requirements of existing world needs and also has a significant contribution to Global Warming. For that reason, during the past few years the focus has shifted toward renewable sources. Solar energy is primary source of renewable resources. There is a need for developing methods for utilizing solar energy more effectively and productively, by increasing the absorption amount of solar energy. For this purpose, in this research, a dual-axis solar tracking system accompanied by a sensor; that is capable to follow Sun’s trajectory by automatically changing its orientation has been designed. An Automatic control system that precisely positions the photovoltaic cell panel according to sun orientation for maximizing the efficiency of the system has been designed and implemented. Solar tracking cells produce energy during the daytime in excess amount than required, so in our design, we modulate a system for storing this additional energy for later use. This system is critically important during the night, and under cloudy conditions or storms, where the sun is not producing the required amount of energy. Our main approach is to develop a cost-effective design of a solar tracking system that will efficiently increase the performance of the system with additional benefit of a tracking system requiring low maintenance cost. Another focus is to develop a design, as simple as possible, because complexities in design may ultimately result in reduced life of the system. In the end, efficiency analysis has been done to check whether a solar tracking system with all its complexities is worth it or not. Detailed analysis of tracking system components i.e sensors and actuators is presented, which is to help the selection of the most effective design.

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