
This paper describes the design and implementation of a practical parallel algorithm for Delaunay triangulation that works well on general distributions. Although there have been many theoretical parallel algorithms for the problem, and some implementations based on bucketing that work well for uniform distributions, there has been little work on implementations for general distributions. We use the well known reduction of 2D Delaunay triangulation to find the 3D convex hull of points on a paraboloid. Based on this reduction we developed a variant of the Edelsbrunner and Shi 3D convex hull algorithm, specialized for the case when the point set lies on a paraboloid. This simplification reduces the work required by the algorithm (number of operations) from O(n log 2 n) to O(n log n) . The depth (parallel time) is O( log 3 n) on a CREW PRAM. The algorithm is simpler than previous O(n log n) work parallel algorithms leading to smaller constants.

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