
Abstract In the recent past, there has been cases of carbon dioxide leak related incidents and casualties. Carbon dioxide has been recognized as a significant worthy hazard in the industrial environment for about 100 years. low concentrations of carbon dioxide are not harmful, but on a high concentration can affect the respiratory function and the central nervous system. This prompted the development of this carbon dioxide gas leakage detection system as a safety measure to reduce this risk. This carbon dioxide gas leakage detection is developed with an Arduino microcontroller and an MQ-135 sensor for a highly accurate and fast response system. The detection system incorporates an LCD Screen for displaying the status and level of concentration of the gas leakage, a buzzer as an alarm to give audio alerts, indicating and alerting users on the gas leakage, a number of LED lights to indicate the gas leakage status. The system also incorporates a GSM Module which sends SMS alerts and make calls to users during the gas leakage regardless distance. The Arduino microcontroller is programmed using embedded C++ language and all the peripherals connected to it through its pins. When the detector is in normal state, the LED light is lit on Green to show a normal range in concentration of gases and/or absence of a gas leakage. When there is gas leakage, the system transitions into a harmful state. The system displays the status of the gas leakage on the LCD Screen just as other LED lights light up in conjunction with an alarm buzz giving an audiovisual alarm to the monitoring mobile device. Also, the GSM Module sends out SMS alerts and calls to designated users regardless of their distance from the gas leak vicinity to notify them of the gas leak in order to take immediate action to control the gas leakage situation. The gas leakage detection is not only highly accurate but cheap and portable and can be used for industrial and domestic safety.

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