
Conventional needles lack active mechanisms for large tip deflection to bypass obstacles or guide through a desired trajectory in needle-based procedures, compromising accuracy and effectiveness. An active needle with a shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator was designed and evaluated by demonstrating deflections in tissue-mimicking gels. Finite element simulation and real-time needle tip deflection tracking in tissue-mimicking gels were performed. The active needle deflected 50 and 39mm at 150mm insertion depth in the liver and prostate mimicking gels, respectively. Reasonable simulation errors of 16.42% and 12.62% in needle deflections and small root mean squared errors of 1.42 and 1.47mm in deflection tracking were obtained. The proposed needle produced desirable large tip deflections capable of bypassing obstacles in the insertion path and tracked a preplanned trajectory with minor errors. The finite element study would help optimise needle designs and predict deflections in soft tissues.

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