
Currently, the human need for documents in this modern world is increasing, which was originally in the form of paper now turned into a digital file. Businesspeople think this is an opportunity, because there are so many people who need to create or understand documents but can't do it all. Be it due to limited time or lack of knowledge. Currently a graduate student from a well-known university in Yogyakarta, has taken the initiative to create a startup in the field of document typing and editing services. His business was named the Ngetikapasaja business. The meaning of the word “Password” is that this startup offers any type of typing service according to the user's needs. As a new startup, business owners experience difficulties related to the business they run. Starting from how to set up complex services, how to convert all the testimonials that have been obtained into easy-to-view sections, order flows, and profiles, to links that take users to order directly. One solution to overcome some of these problems is to create a system, one of which is a website. A website is a collection of pages that can be accessed via the internet. With the website, users can access information about Ngetikapaja and directly order services at Ngetikapaja. The design of this website is made using the Design Thinking method, which is a problem-solving method that focuses on the user. The design thinking method consists of 5 stages: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. After the design is complete, testing is carried out with two test models, namely Usability Testing and User Interface Attractiveness. Test results say that this invention is interesting and easy to use.

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