
Requirements review is a formal review process in which several reviewers read all or part of software requirement specification (SRS) and search for defects. In order to ensure that the system requirements have been completely and clearly identified, reviewers use many different review techniques. Despite of the availability of many reading techniques such as perspective-based reading techniques, checklist-based reading techniques and a few more, we could not find any existing tool to support two or more reading techniques in order to guide reviewer while reviewing a document. Besides, currently, in order for the reviewers to review an SRS document, they need to gather physically, make a session and give their review feedback during the session. In such cases, the requirement engineers need to schedule the review session based on the availability of the reviewers. The review leader needs to manually organize the session and review outcomes also need to be manually consolidated. Thus, the objectives of this project are to develop a web-based tool in order to; (1) enable reviewers to review SRS document using two different reviewing techniques such as checklist-based reading (CBR) and perspective-based reading (PBR); (2) enable review leader to assign reviewer for requirement review; and (3) allow compilation of the review feedback to be generated. The project applied Iterative process model to manage the software development process. The implementation of the project is using PHP JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, and Ajax

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