
Post office is a customer service that is officially run by governments in many countries. Present systems are either manual or through web portals. However, many people are not quite comfortable in using post office services as they may be working or busy with other works. Further post office working hours are available only during daytime and also many users may not have computers at home. However, with the vast advent and usage of android mobiles, postal services can be automated by developing a suitable mobile app. This Mobile Application for Postal Services includes numerous services provided by post offices such as delivering letters, money orders and parcels from source to destination address. They are extended to postal saving schemes, Banking services and payments of other monthly premiums, providing and accepting government forms. GPS tracking is embedded in the app to locate nearest post offices by using the GSM service. This app assists all the users along with postmaster and postman, in using the services efficiently and securely by using RSA algorithm to encrypt the usernames and passwords before they are stored in database. The safe delivery reports can be easily provided to the users and their feedback can be collected for further updating the services.

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