
Abstract: The ideal of this work is to develop a silencer that can amend dangerous exhaust discharge and noise produced in this conventional silencer. The health and hygienic policy depend upon the term air pollution. Weakened air causes physical illgoods and decides undesirable aesthetic and physiological goods. Air pollution can be defined as an inclusion to atmosphere of any material solid or gases which will have a various effect on life. The main adulterants contribute by machines are unburned hydrocarbon (UBHC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and Lead. This research work is an attempt and contribution in this direction; it's substantially dealing with the comb of emission and noise. This system is fitted to the exhaust pipe of the machine. This type of silencer is used to reduce emission, and Noise and also reduces its dangerous goods with the help of actuated outland, lime water. As the Sound produced under lime water is less audible than it produced in the atmosphere. This is because of small sprockets which are present in water motes, which lower their breadth and lower the sound position. Hence water is used in this silencer. These silencers are used to reduce the noise and control the emissions of dangerous feasts and release much lower weakened feasts to the terrain and it's easy to install.

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