
In the learning process in the classroom thermal comfort greatly affects the attitude and performance of students who are doing learning. However, in fact, when students are carrying out the learning process experience some obstacles that make them not feel comfortable in the classroom such as feeling the room temperature is too hot or the room temperature is too cold. Indonesian National Standard sets the air temperature for thermal comfort of the tropics which can be divided into (1) Cool comfort, between the effective temperature of 20.5 ° C - 22.8 ° C, (2) Optimal comfort, between the effective temperature of 22.8° C - 25.8 ° C, (3). Comfortably warm, between an effective temperature of 25.8°C - 27.1°C. While the relative air humidity that is comfortable for humans ranges from 30%60%. The purpose of the temperature and humidity monitoring system is to monitor temperature and humidity conditions that can be used to determine whether the room is in a comfortable condition or not. In this study, the reference used is the 2001 Indonesian National Standard on Procedures for Designing Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems in Buildings.

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