
Booster Synchrotron at RRCAT, Indore, India, is an electron accelerator, where energy of the electrons is increased from 20 MeV to 450 MeV and 550 MeV for injection in Indus-1 and Indus-2 synchrotron radiation sources respectively. Measurement of electron beam position in the booster during energy ramping process is important for achieving proper operation of Booster Synchrotron. Four-electrode type beam position monitors (BPM) have been installed in the booster ring at six different locations for monitoring of electron beam position. We have designed and developed envelope detector based electronics for beam position measurement with capability of providing data update rate of 1 kHz. For each BPM, the electronics consists of single board processing electronics with math-processor, Ethernet controller and RF front-end electronics. It is equipped with embedded web server to monitor the beam position through network. In the laboratory test, typical rms noise in the position measurement of the developed processing electronics has been found to be less than 20 micron. The developed processing electronics has been deployed in the field.

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