
Abstract: In this project of “Low-cost automatic laminated paper sheet cutting machine” we made a real time machine for paper sheet cutting purpose in very low cost and having higher efficiency than manual work. This model is simplified according to our convenience while manufacturing ease and cost estimation. The main purpose of this model is to reduce cost and time of cutting operation. Here in this we have used pneumatic method to cut the laminated sheet. Here the cutting wheel will give a point cut to laminated sheet and due to pressure applied by rollers the sheet will cut automatically in that direction. Here to transfer power belt drive is used so slagging problem may occur hence to overcome this some adjustments are made to adjust tension in this belt drive. Our main aim while manufacturing is to reduce frictional losses and maintain the speed of motor to maintain proper friction in between roller and the paper. Also, the paper should pass without slipping for the proper cutting. The overall cost of project is to be minimized by using complementary materials then actual heavy industrial materials

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