
Currently, the indoor plants are watered and fertilized manually every day. However, incorrect watering and fertilizing may result in plants perishing, not flowering, or not thriving. Moreover, users also need knowledge in temperature and humidity to take care of specialized plants and have a longer life. The current lifestyle also limits the ability of the user to maintain their indoor plants. Therefore, this study aims to develop an IoT-based plant monitoring and watering system. This system seeks to water the plants based on schedule and user input automatically. The single, smart pot system comprises controllers and sensors to monitor plant growth and automatic watering and fertilizer. The sensors include temperature, humidity, and soil moisture sensors. The data is transferred through Wi-Fi to a smartphone application where all the data can be viewed. Additionally, the system will have a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that shows the plant's current conditions. The plant status in the GUI includes information such as temperature, humidity, and whether the light is on or not. Information like when the plant will be watered and fertilized is also displayed. Finally, the time when the light will be toggled on or off is shown as well. The data is also used to manage the plant watering and fertilization processes

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