
Voting system is a tool for managing the complete process of the election with the use of technology. It will record the information of the candidates, voters and administrator. Commission on Election is an organization where in-charge in conducting the election process. Also, they are accountable for evaluating the qualifications of the candidates and assigned officers who serve as the electoral board who will proclaim the winner/s. The researcher applied the System Development Life Cycle in designing and developing the automated voting system using the development platform such as MySQL which serves as the database wherein it stores the data of election; Visual Basic 6.0 serves as the programming editor and Local Area Network (LAN), a network connection. The system was tested and implemented during the Student Supreme Council and Student Body Organization election in the year 2012 and 2013 applying the two level of security which is in the form of access code generated by the system and exported data from the registrar office as the basis and filters the qualified voters. During the testing and implementation, most voters from the agriculture found out that the system is less convenient compared to BSIT students who believed that the system is the most suitable method of voting. Regarding security, BS Agriculture students also think that the system is less secured, whereas the BS Fisheries voters emphasized that the system provides the high level of protection. In this manner, voting system addresses the problems encountered every election and designed a friendly-user interface for all kinds of users.

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