
To meet total energy demand for a building, a sustainable technology has been developed to double up the photon production from a single one by ultra-relativistic collision into the solar panel, which is actually a part of building's exterior skin curtain wall. Subsequently, mathematical analysis has been performed considering the reaction between two bare ions which is activated by quark-lepton complementarily particle's interaction into the solar panel. To confirm this pair photon production, a further mathematical modeling has been implemented by assuming the creation of pair electron into a bound ionic state (e+e−) which is employed by two approaches (i) the equivalent photon approximation, and (ii) the first order perturbation and multipole expansion of wave functions. With the analysis of these approaches, a detailed calculations have been conducted considering two bound free e+e− pairs as well as of bound free e+e− and free μ+μ− pairs created by collisions of bare ions which suggest that the double photon production processes from a single photon is feasible into the ultra-relativistic collision solar panel that interestingly allow to double up the energy production simultaneously into the solar panel. The energy production efficiently, is thereafter, been estimated which revealed that if only a mere of 12.5% of building exterior curtain wall is used as ultra-relativistic collision capable solar panel it will meet the total energy demand for a building which is also 100% environmentally friendly.

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