
The development of integrated end-to-end technology is increasingly reaching all fields. The presence of this technology can answer one of the challenges discussed in this study, namely as a recommendation feature to users on indoor air quality and useful as an effort to prevent respiratory disease symptoms. This device is specially designed by implementing several technologies such as microcontrollers, sensors, internet of things, cloud computing, and progressive web apps. The parameters used to measure the level of indoor air quality are temperature, humidity, fine particles (PM <inf xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">10</inf> ) and carbon monoxide with a predetermined range, if these parameters are outside the range then it is categorized as poor or unhealthy air, otherwise if the parameters are within range, the air is categorized as good or healthy air. Based on the collection and processing of data samples at several different locations, the air is in the good or healthy category and does not cause symptoms of respiratory disease. The results of this study also produced an end-to-end device that can monitor indoor air quality levels in real-time, as well as provide recommendations for making health efforts if the detected air quality parameters are outside the range that has been determined based on the Ministry of Health regulations Republic of Indonesia.

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