
Abstract Hypervapotron cooling channels are used for various devices requiring heat removal (e.g., a divertor dome or neutron beam ion dump) owing to their good thermohydraulic characteristics. In particular, the flat tile armored hypervapotron has been intensively studied for use with divertor vertical targets; however, its weaknesses compared to monoblock-armored swirl tubes are revealed in cyclic high heat flux tests. A further problem is cascade failure, caused by the interlayer melting. To avoid these shortcomings, a new plasma facing component (PFC) design, containing monoblock-type armor and a hypervapotron cooling channel, is proposed in this study. The monoblock elastic analysis procedure (MEAP) was conducted to assess the new PFC design during a shutdown-standby-operating (i.e., a heat flux of 10 MW/m2) heat cycle. In the MEAP, the hybrid method, which enables application and evaluation of the elastic rule, including residual stress during the manufacturing step, was verified. Thermal and mechanical analyses were conducted using the verified hybrid method, along with four different fin types and coolant velocities. The new PFC design was evaluated based on the calculated reverse factors of each MEAP rule from these analysis results.

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