
In the high speed internet world bandwidth requirement increases because of many large bandwidth required applications such as video calling, online classes, large size video files transmission 5G, Internet of things applications etc. Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network obtains popularity for providing high bit rate and bandwidth in the optical communication system. WDM communication technology provides bi-directional transmission with high data speed but the transmit data by the WDM communication channel can affected by the internal and external disturbance. Internal disturbancedue to the internal devices can compensate by choosing appropriate parameters. In WDM communication system the bit error rate (BER) depends on data rate, attenuation constant of optical fiber, length of optical fiber link and wavelength spacing between the channels. This paper design and gives the optimum parameter values of 16 channel WDM optical communication system with low bit error rate and analyse the effect of wavelength spacing, input power and attenuation constant on minimum value of BER.

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