
Abstract: Over the years, the vehicle driver has endured a great deal of agony and anguish as a result of poor road conditions or lengthier travel lengths that they must complete within a certain time limit. It is a misery to them that the standard or budget vehicles do not feature a good suspension system for their wellbeing. This research article demonstrates a unique design of scissor seat suspension for vehicles, as well as models for manufacturing and testing the system to eliminate low-frequency and high-amplitude vibrations that might cause health problems for vehicle drivers or passengers. Although scissor seat suspension is frequently utilized in commercial vehicles to reduce interior vibrations, a common optimization difficulty emerges because designs often involve a compromise between seat acceleration and suspension travel. The stiffness and damping characteristics of the scissor seat suspension are also investigated, and a simplified model of the scissor seat suspension is presented. The effect of damping force and mass on a human is investigated in preparation for future design and testing. The ideal vertical stiffness damping response is then cascaded into a performance-oriented model, and the design parameters are optimized with a multibody kinematics model focused on the scissor seat suspension structure.

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