
For the aircraft industry to stay competitive on a global market, increased productivity is key. The success of this industry requires continuous development and improvement in the way products are produced and maintained. In order to ensure equipment availability, quality and safety, maintenance has become an important aspect of production support. Improper maintenance and unavailable equipment often limit the effectiveness of manufacturing. About one-third of total maintenance cost is spent unnecessarily because of situations, such as overtime costs, bad planning, misuse of preventive maintenance, and poor usage of work order systems. Hence, maintenance with little corrective maintenance and less preventive maintenance is called good maintenance. There is a need for additional research within the area of implementing condition-based maintenance (CBM). The research purpose of this research project is to investigate how a condition-based maintenance approach can be implemented in an industrial setting, and to develop a method that can assist companies in their implementation efforts using OSA-CBM (Open System Architecture for Condition-Based Maintenance) data model and various middleware technologies. OSA-CBM is a framework for implementing condition-based maintenance systems. Simply put, it describes the information that is moved and how it should be moved. The potential benefits of an OSA-CBM standard include improved ease of upgrading for system components, reduced cost to end-users, more rapid technology development, and a broader supplier community. There are a few issues that need to be considered before implementing CBM, such as the current state of the company interested in implementing CBM technology; current maintenance cost, and whether a CBM approach can be an integral part of achieving the maintenance goals of that company. In CBM, continuous monitoring of components needs to be done by collecting data from sensors. This data passes through many processors containing various algorithms to provide users the diagnostic and prognostic report of each monitored component. OSA-CBM plays a vital role in providing identity to data in the form of metadata. Examples of metadata by OSA-CBM are id, site, time, alert status, algorithm type, name, description and many more. To determine implementation complications, feasibility and advantages, three middleware (RMI-Java, Ice and IceStorm) 1have been used to implement CBM using an OSA-CBM framework. The focus of this paper is to find network architecture suitable for CBM integration in vehicles (e.g., aircraft) that should be able to support interoperability between multiple vendors of CBM components and insertion of new CBM capabilities. To develop network architecture, essential data, such as bandwidth, data rate, throughput, latency and performance in communication network, has been collected and analysed using various enabling technologies (i.e., middleware).

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