
Abstract: Users transfer millions of images every day in the era of information technology. Serious issues could arise if the information included in these photographs is open to unauthorised usage. There are numerous methods for protecting images. One of the most successful and well-known methods is digital image encryption. Confusion and diffusion are the two main phases of an encryption algorithm. This paper proposes a new image encryption technique that uses a hyperchaotic system and a tent chaotic map. With the help of random numbers produced by the 6D hyperchaotic system, the original image gets confused. A tent chaotic map is then used to create a key to diffuse the permuted image. Security analysis and time complexity are used to evaluate the suggested image encryption method's effectiveness. The security is tested using entropy, correlation coefficient, differential attacks, histograms, keyspace, sensitivity, noise, and data cut attacks. Additionally, the outcomes are compared using various encryption methods. The proposed method achieves a high level of security

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