
The present paper reports the design and analysis of a new time-delayed chaotic system and its electronic circuit implementation. The system is described by a first-order nonlinear retarded type delay differential equation with a closed form mathematical function describing the nonlinearity. We carry out stability and bifurcation analysis to show that with the suitable delay and system parameters the system shows sustained oscillation through supercritical Hopf bifurcation. It is shown through numerical simulations that the system depicts bifurcation and chaos for a certain range of the system parameters. The complexity and predictability of the system are characterized by Lyapunov exponents and Kaplan–York dimension. It is shown that, for some suitably chosen system parameters, the system shows hyperchaos even for a small or moderate delay. Finally, we set up an experiment to implement the proposed system in electronic circuit using off-the-shelf circuit elements, and it is shown that the behavior of the time delay chaotic electronic circuit agrees well with our analytical and numerical results.

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