
With the rapid advancement in communication technology, the demand for high speed and efficient transmission has increased significantly. Traditional communication systems are unable to meet these demands, and thus, this paper proposes a new correlated delay shift keying system for duration and carrier parallel index modulation (DCIM-CDSK) that employs duration and carrier parallel index modulation. The DCIM-CDSK system utilizes index mapping to transmit extra bits, while group mapping the timeslots on the carrier. By using spare timeslots in each group to transmit modulated information bits, the system achieves high-speed transmission with high efficiency. Additionally, the system introduces a noise reduction method to optimize the information-carrying signal to improve its noise immunity. The theoretical bit error rate (BER) equations is derived in the paper for the DCIM-CDSK system under Gaussian and Rayleigh fading channels, and compared them with practical simulations to validate the theoretical derivation. The paper also analyzes the BER of the system for a single longest timeslot length and mixed longest timeslot length, respectively. The simulation results show that the proposed DCIM-CDSK system has better noise immunity and higher transmission rates than other similar systems. In today's increasingly stringent requirements for communication systems, the DCIM-CDSK system, with its high spectral and energy efficiency, provides a feasible solution for the current communication system industry to realize large user group services and high bandwidth utilization efficiency. At the same time, because of the flexibility of the system between the transmission rate and BER performance, the communication system can get a better trade-off and balance between the two contradictions of effectiveness and reliability.

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