
Watermelon has little tolerance to boron deficiency and supply via seed treatment can meet the need of the plant and improve its development especially in the seedling stage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial development of watermelon seedlings due to boron application in seeds. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions (50% brightness) in Bom Jesus-PI from April to May 2011. A randomized complete block design was adopted with treatments: 0.0; 4.24; 8.50; 17.00; 34.00 g of B kg-1 of seeds, with five replications and five seedlings per experimental plot. There were used containers with a capacity of 50 cm3, filled with a substrate composed of soil (Oxisol), washed sand and manure in the ratio (1:1:2), respectively. At the end of the experiment, it was evaluated: i) the height of the plant; ii) stem diameter; iii) dry matter of root and shoot (g plant-1); iv) chlorophyll; v) root length and vi) root volume. The application of boron in the seeds positively influenced the variables plant height, chlorophyll, dry matter of shoot, root length and root volume. The dose of 25.5 g of B kg-1 of seeds is recommended for higher dry matter production of seedlings.

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