
The aim of this work was to study the damage caused by Tubixaba tuxaua on soybean, corn and wheat crops, grown in Western Parana, Brazil. Field experiments were carried out in four rural areas localized in the counties of Marechal Cândido Rondon and Quatro Pontes. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments, pieces of land established within spots containing T. tuxaua and stunted plants, and control pieces of land established 30 meters away from the trouble-spots and containing plants showing satisfactory growth. Each treatment had five replications. For the wheat crop the variables plant height, spikelet length, fresh mass, dry mass and 100 grain weight were evaluated; for the corn crop plant height, cob length, cob diameter, stalk diameter and grain productivity; and for soybean plant height, root length, number of pods per plant and grain productivity. The results showed differences between pieces of land established within spots and control pieces of land for the three crops and the variables studied. The best correlation values were found for the variables dry mass, fresh mass and grain productivity for the three crops and plant height for soybean.

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