
240 litters of rabbits were used, from weaning to slaughter, in three parturition sequences, descended from rabbit does which were feed with different levels of digestible energy on diet and weaning age of young rabbits. The litters were allocated in a 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 factorial design (diets with 2600 and 2800 kcal DE kg-1 until weaning versus weaning at 28 and 35 days old versus diets with 21 or 16% of starch from weaning to slaughter versus three parturition sequences), with 10 replications (litters). The 2600 kcal DE kg-1 level improved weight gain, feed:gain ratio and reduced the diet cost from weaning to 50 days of age. Weaning at 28 days reduced the average feeding intake from weaning to slaughter. The higher level of starch reduced average feeding intake until 50 days of age and also reduced the cost. The parturition sequence increased the live weight at 70 days, daily weight gain and feeding intake during the experiment period, as well as heart, liver and kidney weight. The results suggest the use of feed with 2600 kcal DE kg-1, weaning at 28 days old and 21% of starch on diet for rabbits from weaning to slaughter.


  • Performance of growing rabbits weaned at different ages, fed with two starch levels, from rabbit does subjected to different levels of energy on diet. 240 litters of rabbits were used, from weaning to slaughter, in three parturition sequences, descended from rabbit does which were feed with different levels of digestible energy on diet and weaning age of young rabbits

  • O delineamento utilizado foi em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 (dietas com 2.600 e 2.800 kcal energia digestível para matrizes (ED) kg-1 até a desmama versus desmama aos 28 ou 35 dias de idade versus dietas com 2.500 kcal ED kg-1 contendo alto (21%) ou baixo (16%) nível de amido da desmama ao abate versus três ordens de parto), com 24 tratamentos e dez repetições

  • Means followed with different letters in same column for parturition sequence (PO) they are different by Tukey test (p < 0.05).Means followed by different letters in the same column for other studied factors are different by F test (p < 0.05)

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Material e métodos

Coelhos oriundos de 240 ninhadas desmamadas, num total de 1.416 animais, foram alojados em gaiolas de arame galvanizado, providas de bebedouro automático e. Comedouro semi-automático de chapa galvanizada, localizados em galpão de alvenaria, com cobertura de telha francesa, pé-direito de 3,8 m, piso de alvenaria, paredes laterais de 30 cm, em alvenaria, e o restante em tela e cortina plástica para controle de ventos. O delineamento utilizado foi em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 (dietas com 2.600 e 2.800 kcal ED kg-1 até a desmama versus desmama aos 28 ou 35 dias de idade versus dietas com 2.500 kcal ED kg-1 contendo alto (21%) ou baixo (16%) nível de amido da desmama ao abate versus três ordens de parto), com 24 tratamentos e dez repetições (ninhadas). As rações foram peletizadas a seco (Tabela 1) e o seu fornecimento e o de água foram à vontade. Composição percentual e química das dietas utilizadas para coelhos da desmama ao abate. Percent and chemical composition of diets for rabbits from weaning to slaughter

Desempenho de coelhos da desmama ao abate
Litter size
Média geral
Feed:gain ratio
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