
The present study aimed to evaluate the agronomic performance and estimate the genetic dissimilarity among peanut accessions from germplasm bank belonging to the Agronomic Institute of Parana (IAPAR). The assay was carried out in Londrina, during the 2011/2012 agriculture season year, in a randomized block design, with four replications. The severity of early leaf spot ( Cercospora arachidicola ), late leaf spot ( Cercosporidium personatum ), web blotch ( Phoma arachidicola ), rust ( Puccinia arachidis ) and scab ( Sphaceloma arachidis ) were measured with the aid of diagrammatic scale proposed by the Biodiversity International. The grain yield was converted to kg ha -1 and corrected to 10% moisture. In the accessions characterization, 17 multicategoric variables were used, which were proposed as descriptors by SNPC/MAPA. The similarity was estimated by the method of coincidence and dendrogram by UPGMA clustering method. The Col 82 access stood out from the others due to its high yield potential. To early leaf spot Col 79, 41, 82, VL Cândido Rondon accessions and Runner IAC 886 cultivar were resistant and to late leaf spot, except the Runner IAC 886, all materials tested behaved as resistant. Results showed that there are dissimilar accessions and it was observed that the Runner IAC 886 differs from the others in relation to their vegetative, reproductive and physiological characters. It is possible select accessions with high yield potential and desirable morphological characteristics which may be used in the breeding program.

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