
The late season maize, intercropped with forage crops in tropical areas, is an alternative to grain production and straw maintenance in the no-tillage system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance of late season maize, intercropped with forage crops that were sown during the topdressing in phenological stage V5. The experiment was conducted in Sapezal, MT, (13o35'13'' S, 58o47'56'' W and altitude of 570 m). It was used a random block experimental design, with five treatments (monocropping of maize, maize + Urochloa brizantha Marandu, maize + Urochloa brizantha Piata, maize + Urochloa brizantha Xaraes and maize + Panicum maximum cv. Massai), with five repetitions. Plant height, height of insertion of the first spike, plant population, spike index, number of kernels rows, number of kernels per row, mass of hundred grain, grain yield and dry matter production of forage were evaluated. The presence of forage crops sown during the topdressing did not affect the agronomic characteristics of maize. Grain yield of maize, although not influenced by the treatments, was higher than the national and the Mato Grosso State average productivity.

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