
Islamic hospital of As Syifa is public hospital in Sukabumi. The nurses are required to work and cooperate in nursing care. The nurses in room Multazam and Arafah II choose their duties and and donot assist their co-nurses made the teamwork does not run maximally. This problem is worsen by many patients’ complaints about the nurses’ work in the room, they are slothful to handle patients. Salas (2000) says that teamwork is inviduals’ behavior to support other members to reach team’s goal. The objective of this study is to obtain empirical data about teamwork effectiveness on nurses in room Multazam and Arafah II. The method used is descriptive study with 31 nurses in room Mulatazam nd Arafah II as the sample. The data are obtained by using teamwork instrument modified from the questionnaire arranged by Therese based on the theory of Salas. The results show that teamwork effectiveness in room Multazam is bad with low spreading aspects; Team leadership (56,25%) and Backup behavior (93,75%), and the high aspect is Mutual performing monitoring (62,5%), Adaptability (68,75%) and Team orientation (75%). In room Arafah II, teamwork effectiveness is good with high spreeding aspect; Mutual performance monitoring (60%) and Team orientation (60%), and the low aspects areTeam leadership (53,33%), Backup behavior (86,67%) and Adaptability (60%).

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