
This study aims to determine and describe the feasibility of vannamei shrimp cultivation in Teluk Pambang Village, Bantan District, Bengkalis Regency. This type of research is descriptive. In this study, interview techniques were used to collect data. Researchers are interested in studying how the business feasibility study on the vannamei shrimp farming business of the Cooperative Produksi Generasi Mandiri is seen from two indicators, namely non-financial aspects and financial aspects. According to research results and conclusions, non-financial aspects have several indicators, namely: technical aspects, environmental aspects, marketing aspects, management aspects, economic and social aspects, human resource aspects, and legal aspects. From the non-financial aspect, it is stated that it is very feasible to run because it has met the assessment criteria for several non-financial aspect indicators. From a financial point of view, it is analyzed using the profit/loss (L/R) method at IDR 2,095,090,000, the benefit-cost ratio (B/C ratio) of 1.47, and the break-even point (BEP) at a BEP price of IDR 549,000,000. With a total of 8,280 units and a payback period (PP) of 1.2 years, the Vannamei shrimp farming business of the Mandiri Production Cooperative is declared very feasible to run.

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