
Callogobius albipunctatus sp. nov. and Callogobius dorsomaculatus sp. nov. are described from Japan. Both species are included in the sclateri group, characterized by elongate ctenii on the caudal fin base scales, the female urogenital papilla with two lateral projections, and the presence of cephalic sensory papillae Row 20 (preopercular row). Callogobius albipunctatus is characterized by cephalic sensory papillae Row 16 (transverse mandibular rows) comprising 10 papillae rows and a posteriormost single papilla, connected pelvic fins with a low frenum and concave posterior margin, cephalic sensory canal pores B'D(s)FH', 25–29 longitudinal row scales, 8–10 transverse row scales, and 7–11 predorsal scales, and C. dorsomaculatus by Row 16 comprising 11 papillae rows and a posteriormost single papilla, connected pelvic fins with a concave posterior margin but lacking a frenum, cephalic sensory canal pores B'C(s)D(s)EFH' or B'C(s)D(s)EFGH', 20–26 longitudinal row scales, 7–9 transverse row scales, and 6–10 predorsal scales. The cephalic sensory system in juvenile C. albipunctatus is described. Row 16, which is represented by three patterns within the genus, is redefined.

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