
Abstract Larval phases of the longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus) and golden redhorse (Moxostoma erythrurum) are described and compared with their congeners, the white sucker (C. commersoni) and shorthead redhorse (M. macrolepidotum). Catostomus catostomus has a greater head length and eye diameter than C. commersoni through all developmental phases. Catostomus catostomus also has a smaller posterior gas bladder chamber, relative to the anterior chamber, than C. commersoni. Moxostoma erythrurum averages fewer total myomeres (41 versus 44) than its congener and has greater preanal lengths, head lengths, and eye diameters. Larvae of C. catostomus and M. erythrurum are compared with characters presented in existing keys to larval catostomids to help determine if those characters are satisfactory for separation of sucker genera. Five different body measurements are allometrically related to total length in both species.

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