
Tylenchorhynchus teeni n.sp., isolated from around roots of fig (Ficus carica L.) in Jordan, is described and illustrated. It has some affinities withT. huesingi Paetzold, 1958,T. bryobius Sturhan, 1966,T. parvus Allen, 1955 and T. maximus Allen, 1955. It differs fromT. huesingi by the shorter female body, the greater number of cephalic and female tail annules, the higher c' coefficient in the female and the slightly shorter spicules and gubernaculum in the male and fromT. bryobius by the shorter female body and stylet, the usually greater number of female tail annules and the differently shaped cephalic region. It is distinguished fromT. parvus by the greater number of tail annules in the female, the longer spicules and gubernaculum of the male and the form of the stylet knobs and fromT. maximus by the shorter female body and stylet, the abundant presence of males, the presence of spermatozoa in the spermathecae and the more anterior position of the phasmids. Notes are given on certain diagnostic features ofRotylenchus cypriensis Antoniou, 1980 from Jordan. ac]19820724

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