
ABSTBACT Two new species of Dryocosmus (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini), D. sefuriensis Ide, Wachi et Abe, sp. nov. and D. sakureiensis Ide, Wachi et Abe, sp. nov., are described from Japan. A key to species of Dryocosmus in East Asia is given. Although the members of Dryocosmus have been known to induce galls on the subgenus Quercus of the genus Quercus and the genera Castanea, Castanopsis, Chrysolepis, and Lithocarpus of Fagaceae, this is the first record of this gall wasp genus from the strictly Asian subgenus Cyclobalanopsis of the genus Quercus. The discovery of two new species of Dryocosmus associated with Q. (C.) acuta suggests the exceptionally diverse host range of Dryocosmus and the species richness of Cynipini on this plant subgenus in Asia.

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