
AbstractIn this chapter, the most voluminous in the paper, the 67 plant associations identified in the Retezat National Park and included in 28 alliances, 19 orders and 16 vegetation classes are floristically and ecologically described in detail. Of these, the following three: Phyteumo confusii-Juncetum trifidi, Salici kitaibelianae-Dryadetum and Aconito taurici-Rumicetum alpini are described as new associations. Based on differential, geographical and ecological species, we also identified the following two new sub-associations: Vaccinio myrtilli-Pinetum sylvestris-jovibarbetosum heuffelii and Seslerio haynaldianae-Caricetum sempervirentis-saxifragetosum marginatae. We also briefly characterized, floristically and ecologically, higher-ranking syntaxa (alliances, orders and classes) in which we included the 67 associations of Retezat. In this context, the syntaxa described find their proper position within the European coenosystem and complete it with new phytosociological data from Southeast Europe. We mention that, when delimiting and characterizing the vegetation belts from the Retezat National Park, zonal syntaxa were used because they also include the pedo-climatic conditions of the area.

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