
ABSTRACTRecent works on prostomatid ciliates show that some genera of this group have a differentiated oral infraciliature and that their stomatogenesis during division involves the proliferation of only a few somatic kineties. These findings have significant implications regarding the iaxonomic status of these genera and also on the terminology used for the oral structures. In Urotricha ondina, the oral infraciliature consists of (1) a paroral kinety formed of paired kinetosomes that encircle the cytostome at the anterior pole of the cell and (2) 3 adoral organelles, each formed of 2 rows of kinetosomes, ventral in position and obliquely disposed, lying above 3 short somatic kineties that do not reach the anterior pole of the cell. This oral ciliature —formerly known as the corona and brosse, respectively—originate during stomatogenesis from the proliferation of 4 somatic kineties that lie posterior to the adoral organelles of the parental cell.

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